Natural cancer treatments

Joe Tippens had nothing to lose and took a chance on an unlikely combination of natural supplements and a pharmaceutical drug for animals. It saved his life and more like him, and it may just save our cats and dogs from the cancer epidemic plaguing our pets today.

Fenbendazole (trade name Panacur), is an anthelminthic, veterinary medicine to expel worms, used primarily in dogs but also in cats and other mammals. When it is combined with CBD Oil, Turmeric, and Vitamin E, it has a reputation, both scientific and across the internet for dissolving cancers not only in cats and dogs, but also in humans!

How did this strange combination of an animal dewormer, CBD oil, Turmeric and Vitamin E get discovered?

A single study published in 2008, showed an incredibly powerful anti-cancer effect of Fenbendazole when combined with the nutrients. When this combination was administered to research animals, the researchers could not give lab animals any kind of cancers! Not SCC, not Lymphoma, not sarcomas, not any kind of cancer!

They published the results. (“Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins” in J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2008 Nov; 47(6): 37–40. Published online 2008 Nov.) View study at

Researchers reported that Fenbendazole in combination CBD oil, Turmeric and Vitamin E produced a huge increase in the activity of neutrophils, resulting in stopping the growth of cancer. There also was strong suppression of a protein that induces oxygen starvation in cancerous cells, forcing cancer cells to use sugar for energy rather than oxygen.

2017 Joe Tippens was given a death sentence and he was desperate.

With a death sentence of three weeks to live and medical bills pilling up, Mr. Tippens was ready to try anything, even a worm medicine for dogs and cats. After all his insurance company had already spent $1.2 million without any results and he had nothing to loose.

Fenbendazole plus supplements was a life-saver for Joe Tippens. He was told about the combination from a friend who is a veterinarian. His friend was seeing very good results treating cancer in cats and dogs with Fenbendazole, CBD, turmeric and Vitamin E.

After only 3 months on the Fenbendazole protocol his cancer disappeared! Mr. Tippens is cancer free today and shares his miraculous story of coming back from the brink of death on his blog “My Cancer Story Rocks”.

Here’s the video report.

Tippens has direct communication with over 40 otherwise hopeless cancer cases who claim the Fenbendazole protocol saved their lives. His blog has had over 100,000 visitors.

So why didn’t the Fenbendazole protocol elicit any interest in the press, the medical community or the government?

While you and I know that implementing low-cost natural therapy seems to be just what thIs country needs. There is greater and more evil forces at work.

The medical industrial complex, the pharmaceutical companies, the medical colleges, and the medical workers are making trillions (not billions but trillions). Big money has vastly exaggerated their confirmation bias. They accept what confirms their beliefs and reject what undermines their beliefs.

Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Marcia Angell is the author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It. But more to the point, she’s also the former Editor-in-Chief at the New England Journal of Medicine, arguably one of the most respected medical journals on earth. After reading her article in the New York Review of Books called Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption, one wonders if any medical journal on earth is worth anybody’s respect anymore.

Marcia Angela writes, “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

Did you get that? The editor of the New England Journal of Medicine does not believe most of what passes for a scientific study!

The bogus, expensive and dangerous procedures of the medical industrial complex are spun as scientific truth and endlessly promoted among all those in line to profit from the cut, poison, and burn standard of cancer care. They do not want a cure! That would be bad for business. Or more to the point, they cannot see any benefit from safe, low cost, natural treatments even when it is completely obvious to the patients taking the treatment.

Cancer industry expert John Bailer has written, “Our whole cancer research in the past 20 years has been a total failure. More people over 30 are dying from cancer than ever before . . .”

The omission of natural remedies in the treatment of cancer is suspicious.

Over the last hundred year, there have been dozens maybe hundreds of safe substances and protocols that have shown some promise in slowing or reducing cancers in animals and humans. Why aren’t they at least offered alongside the highly toxic chemotherapeutic agents? There are so many natural, safe treatments for cancer, including PQQ, Turmeric, Budwig Diet, CBD, Vitamin C that one wonders why none are ever offered in any cancer treatment.

Linus Pauling, a Nobel prize winner in chemistry, is famous (or notorious depending on whom you listen to) for advocating high dose vitamin C for cancer. Linus Pauling has been ridiculed by the orthodoxy and praised by the holistic community. Choices come down to which authorities do you trust?

The oncologists call natural treatments false hope. Their warning of false hope just doesn’t add up. Any hope is hope. After all, the placebo effect is responsible for a large part of any recovery. False hope is their warning. False hope is a canard, a trick to dissuade patients from any hope except what the oncologist and drug companies are offering.

Instead, we have the oncologists and researchers discouraging patients from taking supplements, warning against vitamin C. Or just ignoring promising low-cost treatments like Fenbendazole and supplements. They claim the dietary changes and supplements would interfere with their highly toxic treatments.

If one is faced with death sentence from cancer for their animal, why not considering scientifically validated, natural treatments as a viable option?

What Does this mean for the future of cancer in cats and dogs?

It means we have some hope, 50% of dogs and cats are predicted to die from cancer by the age of ten, some holistic veterinarians are very hopeful about the Fenbendazole protocol. Talk with your vet today, they are geting on board because of the compelling scientific evidence and extremely low risk, since Fenbendazole has almost no toxicity. (However, there is a slight hepatotoxic effect. Patients with liver disease are advised not to use Fenbendazole.) 

                                                            This protocol does not include Fenbendazole (panacur-c).

Natural cancer treatments