C60, Fenbendazole, and Curcuminoids Explained.

C60, Fenbendazole, and Curcuminoids
C60, Fenbendazole, and Curcuminoids explained

You may have never heard of C60, Fenbendazole, and Curcuminoids, but once you read this article, you will be “in the know” of taking a natural approach to Dog and Cat Immunity issues. C60 is one of the brilliant components of Pet Flora. Unfortunately, over half of the dogs will develop cancer over 10. If that sounds like sensationalism—it, unfortunately, is not. The American Veterinary Medical Association also states that 1 in 4 dogs will develop neoplasia. This statistic has caused many people to seek out holistic pet cancer treatment support supplements that can potentially help, on top of traditional medical expertise.

There is less information available about cats, but the statistics show that they are more susceptible to certain types of cancer, such as lymphoma. Overall, it is hard to assess cancer risk rate and development in any organism, but it doesn’t matter in reality.

If you are reading this and your pet is suffering, that is the only thing that matters to you. This is why we include C60 containing Pet Flora in Celloquent, one of the formulations in our Advanced Immune Restoration Protocol.

The Treatment Trilogy for Cat and Dog Cancer

While there are many different avenues of preventative treatment one can take to potentially reduce or mitigate the incidence of cancer, Vitality Science has our sights set on three in particular that we believe make up the trinity for pet cancer treatment and support.

Carbon 60 for Cancer Treatment

Carbon 60, a component of Pet Flora, is a common fullerene comprised of 60 carbon atoms (hence the name). The structure looks like a soccer ball when represented. Oxidative stress is thought to cause cellular damage, leading to inflammation and inevitably chronic diseases and health conditions. Antioxidants prevent this damage from occurring; C60 is a potent antioxidant.

Water-soluble C60 has shown promising results in assisting with cancer treatment. As a potent antioxidant, C60 (in this study) was able to help with inhibiting the growth of transplanted malignant tumors.

Curcumin for Cancer Treatment

The second compound we’re looking at is curcumin, the “gold” in Celloquent GOLD. Curcuminoids are another powerful antioxidant derived from none other than one of the world’s most potent spices—turmeric. Turmeric has been a holistic remedy for centuries, and now the science is catching up to why that is. While turmeric itself is good for you, curcumin is one of the driving factors why turmeric is so potent.

Extracting curcuminoids from turmeric and supplementing with doses ordinarily not possible through simply eating turmeric has shown many benefits that stem from it being antioxidative and anti-inflammatory.

Curcuminoids refer to the bioactive compounds extracted from turmeric; curcumin makes up about three-quarters of these compounds, and so you’ll see many people use curcumin and curcuminoids interchangeably.

The benefits of curcumin range from potentially treating arthritis and assisting with alleviating metabolic syndrome to what we’re discussing today—anti-cancer properties.

The bulk of studies that involve curcumin as an anti-cancer treatment particularly emphasize its ability to reduce or halt tumor cells from replicating in either lab rats or humans. This particular study examines the effect of curcumin on several different types of common cancers. Unfortunately, few studies exist for animals and even fewer with appreciable sample sizes.

However, it isn’t unreasonable to say that the benefits of these compounds may be shared to a greater or lesser degree.

Fenbendazole Dewormer Pet Cancer Treatment

Fenbendazole is a medication used for intestinal parasite removal. The most commonly seen brand in-store is Panacur C. This deworming medication has garnered significant interest due to a strange alternative use…

If you read our post about fenbendazole, you would have read about the miraculous story of Joe Tippens.

Joe Tippens heard about a reported alternative effect of fenbendazole from a scientist studying it. Tippens had small cell lung cancer and was able to push it into remission through a regimen that utilizes fenbendazole. This Joe Tippens heard about a reported alternative effect of fenbendazole from a scientist studying it. Tippens had small cell lung cancer and was able to push it into remission through a regimen that utilizes fenbendazole. This regimen is now known as the Joe Tippens protocol. His supplementation with fenbendazole included: Tumeric, Vitamin E, and CBD oil. All are found in our Advanced Immune Restoration Gold Protocol.

Interestingly, there are few known side effects of using fenbendazole in humans or pets. That being said, always consult a physician or veterinarian before attempting to ingest any substance or medication for medicinal purposes for you or your pet.

The bottom line? Fenbendazole represents everything about medication that makes people question large pharmaceutical industries. Suppose this relatively cheap canine dewormer can suddenly become a powerful anti-cancer treatment for some animals or individuals. What else is out there that we are turning a blind eye to because it doesn’t align with the conventional approach?

Holistic Pet Cancer Treatment Support

If your poor cat or dog has been diagnosed with cancer, we offer our sincerest compassion. We know this is not an easy time and that you want your pet to get better. While speaking to a holistic veterinarian is the best course of action, be sure also to keep the doors open to alternative remedies such as holistic pet cancer treatment support supplements.

Vitality Science strongly believes in the potential for pet cancer treatment support in these three items. Carbon 60, fenbendazole and curcumin.

We offer many products, some aimed at assisting with holistic pet cancer treatment support. Our holistic pet remedies target a range of common to uncommon pet maladies. For more information about our products, contact us today!